Our Hare Program allows dealerships to tap into a unique source of revenue and drive in customers to their store!
You may be asking....how affective is our Hare program? Well, here are some averages/results from some of our customers.
(Top right) is one of our Toyota stores results from the program! " We LOVE RecallRabbit. We used the Hare program and have had 135 customers come in and made over $90,000 in profit on this one campaign!"
(Bottom left) is one of our best Honda customers, First Texas Honda. They called the tool "a game changer". "The Hare program is one of the best tools we have ever used for bringing in new revenue to our store. We have run 3 different campaigns that created 299 RO's and made over $100,000 in profit."
Another customer mentioned how they have used the tool in multiple locations and have really been able to capitalize on the most lucrative open recalls for customers already in their database.
Realizing you need the Hare program at your store? Click here to set up a demo with us to go over the Hare program!